Today I am going to narrate a story that may explain explicitly the importance of
father or someone who cares and
encourages you. This is a story of a teenager who loved his father like anything, There existed a very special relationship between them. They were perhaps pair sent from god to remain together. Their relationship was a like a drop which gets formed when two smaller water droplets coalesce to form a bigger one.
Little boy's father always
encouraged him become a star in the game of
football. While the son was somewhere on the benches the father was seen in the stands cheering. His father was really a genuine supporter of his son. Little boy had a great dream to see his father successful. He wanted to be a player of the era.
The young man was smallest among all his class mates in school, weak and less agile. He was always underestimated, bullied and misbehaved by his mates. He was always found near the fences observing the players playing the football. His eyes seemed stuck to the ball as if he was watching his prey so that he can pounce upon it.
After some days he was allowed by the team's coach to be in the practice session running errands. For him it was perhaps an opportunity to watch the game closely. He was found quite keen, moreover, his father's consistent encouragement didn't let his air of determination go down. His father was always there for him. This made the little boy, who knew that he may get a play when he will become senior, hang in the playground and practice whenever he got a chance. Really an act of perseverance.. !!
After the High Schools he stepped in college and decided to be as a "walk on" in the college team. He was still a dedicated member of his team. He was really magnificent in what he did. He could cut the ball, he could spin that out between the legs of opponent player. Due to lack of experience and insufficient involvement in any of the real game he was still not given a chance to show his potential, that would perhaps steal away fans heart and break them loose.
The coach admitted that he was in roaster but owing to the contribution of each member including the
YOUNG man. He was so far the most dedicated, persistent and persevering member.
His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in the game.
It was the end of senior football match when he trotted in to the big play off game. The coach met him with a telegram. The telegram was for the boy. The boy started reading it and then the coach standing in front him got astonished to see him dead silent. He said,
"what happened, boy?"... Swallowing hard, the boy mumbled,
"my father passed away this morning". The coach could say nothing. He was all perplexed of his next action. He coddled the boy and asked him to take a week off leave. He asked him to relax and be composed. The boy walked away silently. Tears rolled down his eyes that were sufficient to wet the cuff of the coach's shirt. Well, all seemed dark for the poor boy.
After a week it was the final match when all the team members were giving their best to have a triumph. Unfortunately no tricks of the coach was working. All his effort were falling flat. The team was on the verge of being defeated. All of a sudden the whole team including the coach witnessed a guy all dressed up to play, and holding his chin high running towards the ground. It was no one but the
YOUNG BOY. The coach tried to stop him a to play as he was not well mentally. The Boy insisted and the coach had to give in.
Most amazingly the boy was all absorbed and had started coordinating with the team like a leader. yes, he was a real captain. He could cut the ball, dribbled and run like a wind. He passed on the ball skillfully and made some great sots. The team was triumphing now. Soon it managed to make a tie. Before the full time whistle the
YOUNG BOY intercepted a pass and all the way he made it to a final touchdown. In no time the fans broke loose, entered the ground and hoisted the boy on their shoulder. The team had won the match.
After the match was over and all ceremonies done the coach met the boy and keeping his arms around his shoulder he said,
" I am proud of you". The boy's eyes were full of tears, he swallowed hard, forced a smile and said to the coach, "did you know my father was BLIND?". He said him that all his
DAD used to come all the way for him, but could never see him play. He said
" I wanted him to see me playing today from THERE "REMEMBER:All accomplishments starts with a decision to try. Be courageous, persistent and have faith on yourself and on the one whom you love most.