Love or fear?

>> Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When you start loving someone a sense of profound feeling prevails in your conscience. The feeling of love which may be with living or non-living thing has, probably, lots of positive effects that overturn the negativity. However, with a great happiness love carries with it an acute fear. The fear is of loosing the beloved. The fear obscures the mirth that is imparted by LOVE. Fear, but gets breed on the ground of lack of reliability and owing to existence of insecurity in a relationship.

When someone gets struck by any virtual but intense set of emotions, no
matter for a small duration, he feels alone and seeks peace having a fact in mind that even the most intense feelings are prone to taper off in due course... The best feature possibly that the human brain possess is forgetfulness. Many mishaps, mental distractions and accidents take place now and then, if we were to keep everything in mind then perhaps we would have been shedding off our tears until we were dead. I mentioned that fear always companies LOVE, but if it’s so then should we always give way to fear, Should love be obscured each time? Perhaps, the answer would possibly be “NO”..! If love is real and true then fear and other negative emotions can’t take over it.

If some person tells that , “ I can’t live without you..”. Is this really true, can a person die if he doesn’t get someone to live with. I say, if this happen then may be the person is diseased. A great person told that a man is the product of his thinking. One becomes the way he thinks. A innocent child who needs toys to play, mother’s compassion and good preaching can be molded in such a way that he tends to ignore the things what he actually needs most. They become Terrorists if they feed on fear, their thinking is given an evil shape.

Love, Fear, Anger, jealousy etc are all the outcomes of thinking and situation. LOVE is quite elusive where negative emotions are quite prominent and easily sneak up on any body who proves himself to be weak…


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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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