Reply to Entertainment.

>> Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I agree with the premise that entertainment can be used as a tool to impart knowledge, or propaganda. I wonder sometimes though if we humans have a tendency to read far too much into the twists and plots of a movie.

We watch a movie and then stop to think about the scenes and what they might mean. Like Anand did in his blog post. The post is a good one and makes the movie seem much more important than it was set up to be. While I mostly agree with the points brought up, I have some difficulty with a couple of them.

Never try to be successful is one I have difficulty with. You failed to define success. I am sure we could come up with several definitions of success. For example, would you classify success as having the largest house in town?, Or could it be the bank account with the most money?, Or, could it be as simple as having helped the most people in some way?. Or is it just having enough to live the kind of life you want? For me, success can be defined as accomplishing something that is important to me. Like the book I am writing detailing my family tree. When that project is complete, then I will be successful. It won't make me famous, it won't make me rich, it won't even affect more than a few hundred people, but it will be the largest project that I have completed.

Anand, you say strive for excellence and success will follow. I am striving for a very excellent book. My concern is that if I keep trying for perfection, the book may never be completed! In that case, I would not consider myself successful at all.

I like to live life to the fullest. Although I am fearful of new experiences and new things, I do not avoid them, but carry on searching for more knowledge. I love to learn. I consider myself to be a life long learner. That will only change when I leave this life. This week I am learning about enlightenment. I am adding exercise to my daily routine to improve my health. I am seeking new ideas all the time for improving my health. Some work, some don't. It is part of your life experience to learn what you can and apply the knowledge in a way that helps not only you, but others around you too. Selfishness is not an option.

I have limited faith in the leadership of industry. Money is what makes industry work. I prefer to barter when I can and share. I send my homemade jams out and receive a lot of love and advice back. I love to make the jams and jellies. I make way more than my family can eat, but I don't sell them. I trade them. I get vegetables, meals, other fruits to make more with, companionship, treats, rides to places I need to go, advice, love and appreciation.

I love life. I live to love. I live to be happy by doing what I love to do. Life is really wonderful.


Entertainment Is Not Always Frivolous II

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My great friend Anand has a post with this same Title. As i was going through it many thoughts were passing through my mind, initially i wanted to post a comment but felt i should create a post and share my thoughts on the important observations made by Anand in his post.

1. Never try to be successful , pursue excellence

All of us visualize Success as a Scene where you are well placed professionally and have a good if not an excellent income and a happy family. In this context if one were to pursue excellence, then one must forget about Success, the Success may follow you but you have to be insulated from it if you are to pursue excellence as excellence demands 100% focus and dedication. I would neither pursue Success nor Excellence but would like to pursue Bliss which is Happiness to the power of Infinity.

2. Freedom to Life- Life is beautiful
Live and Live happily towards Happiness? Can Happiness be achieved by living happily? If so then why is Happiness needed if you are already Happy. i am confused. Happiness can be experienced only if you know how painful sorrow can be. Often we recollect how we could never get something/somebody we craved for more than anything else on this earth and miserably failed to get. Most of us have at least one such failed wish, it could be education, love, material objects etc. Every-time we recollect this, a dull pain is felt in the chest and the mind feels numb, we tend to float in this dark pond for long time if there is no interruption. We tend to slip into this state whenever we are alone, have been deprived of something, have had some loss etc. Many tend to slip into this state often as they experience a sort of painful happiness. A more acute stage is termed as Mental Depression. Only when we learn to become indifferent to both joy and sorrow we can learn to live happily.

I would like to share my thoughts on other points also. But i would first like you all to share your thoughts on my post. I will feel more energized when we have a more lively debate. Hope to receive lots of thoughts and opinions.


Entertainment Is Not Always Frivolous

>> Saturday, January 23, 2010

Recently I watched a Bollywood movie. It was good movie which made me conclude that entertainment is not always frivolous. Entertainment is rather a profound way of preaching the hardest thing which a human brain refuses to accept. I have compiled some of the catch lines of the movie "3 idiots" . I hope you will learn and enjoy from my effort.

1. Never try to be successful , pursue excellence

  • Success is the bye product & the result. Excellence always creates Success & it is a process of continual improvement. Never run after success.Let it happen automatically in life

2. Freedom to Life- Life is beautiful

  • Don’t die before the actual death. Live every moment to the fullest as if today is the last day. Life is gifted to humankind to live. Live & Live happily towards happiness.

3. Passion leads to Excellence

  1. When your hobby becomes your profession , the passion becomes your profession. You will be able to lead up to excellence in life. Satisfaction, Joy, Pleasure & love will be the outcome of the passion. Following your passion for years , you will surely become somebody one day

4. Learning is very simple- Never stop

  1. Be humble. Teachers do fail, Learners never fail. Learning is never complicate or difficult. Learning is always possible whatever rule you apply

5. Pressure at head

  1. Current education system is developing pressure on students head. University intelligence is useful & making some impact in the life , but it cannot beat the cost of life

6. Life is a management of emotions & not optimization of intelligence

  1. Memory and regular study have definite value and it always helps you in leading a life. You are able to survive even if you can make some mark in the path of the life. With artificial intelligence, you can survive & win but you cannot prove yourself genius. Therefore, in this process genius dies in you
7. Necessity is mother of invention

  1. Necessity creates pressure and forces you to invent something or to make it happen or to use your potentiality. The actor in this film, 3 idiots, is able to prove in the film by using vacuum pump at the last moment.

8.Simplicity in life

  1. Life is need base never want base. Desires have no ends. Simplicity is way of life and Indian culture highly stresses on simple living and high thinking, and this is the way of life: ‘Legs down to earth and eyes looking beyond the sky’

9.Industrial Leadership

  1. Dean of the institute in 3 idiots is showing very typical leadership. He has his own principles, values and ideology, and he leads the whole institute accordingly. This is an example of current institutional leadership. In the present scenario, most of the institutes are fixed in a block or Squarish thinking

10.Love is time & space free

  1. Trust your partner. Love is not time bound and space bound. It is very well demonstrated in this movie same love was demonstrated by Krishna and Meera. Love is border free, time free, unconditional and space free.

11.Importance of words in communication

  1. If communication dies, everything dies. Each word has impact and value in communication. One word if used wrongly or emphasized wrongly or paused at a wrong place in communication what effect it creates and how is it affected is demonstrated very well in this movie.

12.Mediocrity is penalized

  1. Middle class family or average talent or average institute is going to suffer and has to pay maximum price in the life if they do not upgrade their living standards.To be born poor or as an average person is not a crime but to die as an average person with middle class talent is miserable and if you are unable to optimize your potentiality and die with unused potentiality then that is your shameful truth. One should not die as a mediocre. He/she has to bring out genius inside him/her and has to use his/her potentiality to the optimum level

Seek excellence
Success will follow


Story Of an Eagle

>> Friday, January 22, 2010

The eagle gently coaxed her

offspring toward the edge of the nest

Her heart quivered with conflicting emotions
as she felt their resistance to
her persistent nudging.

“Why does the thrill of soaring have to begin
with the fear of falling?” she thought.

This ageless question was still
unanswered for her.

As in tradition of the species, her nest was located high on the shelf of a
sheer rock face.

Below there was nothing but air to support the wings
of each child.

“Is it possible that this time it will not work?”


Despite her fears, the eagle knew it was time,
her parental
mission was all but complete.

There remained one final task –

The eagle drew courage from an innate wisdom.
Until her children

discovered their wings,
there was no purpose for their lives

Until they learned to soar,
they would fail to understand the

privilege it was to have been born an eagle

The push was the greatest
gift she had to offer. It was her supreme act of love.

And so, one by
one, she pushed them and they flew

We must remember that success begins when we understand that life is
about growing; it is about acquiring the knowledge and skills we need to
live more fully and effectively.

Inspired by ST


A Reason or a Season

>> Tuesday, January 19, 2010


You never know what will happen next. You go along living your life, when you realize the fact that you are not happy. After 62 years, I felt I should be happy. So I went about searching for happiness to see where it was hiding.

I looked around my house and my possessions. Looking at my photo albums, I felt really happy. Chalk one up for happy memories. But, it was not complete. I spent hours looking at the pictures and remembering when and where each one was taken. Looked at the smiles on the kids faces when they were toboganning in the gully beside our house. Looked at the smiles again when opening presents at Christmas and birthdays. Looked at smiles again when playing with the animals on the farm. Loved their excited faces when building the dam in the creek to make a pond to play in. (Don't worry, it was a very small dam!)

So, I thought happiness comes with family around you. Then, I put away the albums and felt happiness slipping again. The answer was not complete. My children are grown. They live their own lives now. I see them often, but not to watch them play any longer. I watch my grandchildren play and that sometimes overwhelms me with happiness. But, there are the times in between visits.

So, I looked around my house again. It is a very old house with lots of problems. We are repairing one problem at a time, turning it into a better house. Somehow, that does not bring true happiness, it brings contentment. I know things will be getting better in the house. It will be improved when all is done. Once again, something is missing.

My spoon collection covers all the wall space in my dining room. I have collected over 600 spoons as souvenirs of places around the world. The first spoons are of places I have been, then it branched to antique spoons, places my children have traveled, places my other family members have traveled, places I have never seen. I felt happy polishing all of them and thinking about all the places in the world represented by this large collection. Something was still missing. I just could not figure it out. Mostly I felt happy, but I also felt a hole in my heart. I could not figure out what it needed.

That is when I started to look inside myself. My friend GE kept sending these beautiful pieces of music and pictures of beautiful places. We went for imaginary walks on Skype. Each time we did something like that I felt very happy. My friend JW became a wayshower for me. He helped me realize that friends are an important part of anyone's life. We need to treasure every moment we spend with them. My friend DS left the earth suddenly and I still miss her very very much even though it has been a few years now. Another friend, AI, was persistent enough to keep in touch even through my depression period when I spoke to no one and felt that I had no reason to go on. PT is still keeping in touch with me although the business we were in together is no longer my focus.

Friends, Family, Possessions, do they make you happy? No. But what you feel and think about them sure does. Happiness is what you make it. You, Yourself must make your happiness. I have discovered that for me it is true friendships, happy times with family, and memories that keep me feeling happy. I have also discovered that dwelling on negative happenings makes me very unhappy. I am learning not to dwell on the negatives with my friends.

Some friends I have had for many years, many seasons. A few great friends I have had for only a short time. All of them have a part to play in my life. I can go to them for comfort, excitement, knowledge, spirituality, and even just a place to vent so I don't hold in my anger too long. I am healthier for having friends. I am happier for having friends. I treasure every moment of my life because I have friends to share them with.

So where do I find these special people? Finding each one of them has been different. There is no one way to find friends. The most important thing I had to learn was to smile. One very special friend I found just by clicking on his name in a skype chat room. I don't know why I did that. I introduced myself and within a very short time. It felt as though we had been connected for many years. Others I met also through skype chats, group chats with people who have similar interests. I met a few through facebook,and other social media sites. Another special friend came from a chance meeting in a bookstore. He looked friendly and exuded self confidence the way I wanted to do . I introduced myself and we have been in business together since. We hae also become good friends in other aspects too.

Follow your gut instincts. They will lead you to many fruitful relationships. They will also warn if the situation or relationship is not a good one. And always, always, be happy.

Coach Elouise

Making Money


Compassion: Way To Happiness

>> Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Before really delving into the thoughts dealing with today's agenda I would start off with the idea of being happy. Happiness is nothing but is a state of mind as worries are. Both dwell in us feeding on the thoughts we tame . Yes, thoughts are the key factor which make us the way they emerge in us. I believe that our brain is far more powerful than a TV transmitter which is capable of interacting with microwaves. By this connotation I mean to say that one's mental status is greatly judged by the way one thinks.

Death is one of the chief reasons that make people unhappy through a process of "fear". Many people live life in a fear of being killed or losing their lives. Well, according to elementary physics whole universe is made up of matter and energy which can't be destroyed or created. Transition from one state of matter to another take place. Life is a form of energy, if it is anything. Since energy or matter can't be destroyed then ofcourse life cannot be destroyed. Death is just a process which encompasses procedure of transition of life to another form- death. So, I think its not a thing to worry about. One cannot change the course of nature and it can be done then it indeed awaits calamity..

Of late I was enlightened on the term COMPASSION. What is it really? The answer is that it's nothing but A deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering. Does it brings about happiness to others, or it brings happiness to oneself? This is a question which may echo. Compassion is a way to the destination of the journey of life which employs itself in finding HAPPINESS. Yes, happiness is the effect of true and real compassion.

Compassion are of two types, biased compassion and unbiased compassion with former having its seeds sowed in us from the day we are born. Perhaps, the first preaching in our life is COMPASSION which we learn from the person who bear us in her womb. It's a natural compassion and is biased one, but it alone doesn't suffice the existence of real compassion. COMPASSION is not complete until its unbiased. Elephant is declared as one of the most compassionate living being on this earth.

Millions and trillions of money doesn't quench the thirst of a person on his death bed. The only thing what comes to his rescue is the contenment from the deeds he did when he was alive. Satisfaction also comes with its comrades ready to his rescue. Well, I think you must be thinking the about the sense which is being projected by being rescued. Its not regaining the life, its embracement of death in most gracious way..

In a concluding note I would like to emphasis on the act of being compassionate. It's a certain way to happiness and success which comes to deserving people. A idea struck my mind that one should not owe much from this world as it came before you did....

Be happy my friends as this is the way to intervene the divine power..


We are here for a reason.

Having a happy life is easier than you might think. I have made the decision after listening to the Dali Lama that it is up to me to have a happy life. So How do I do that? I have been thinking on it and trying some new things to see what works.

First, I discussed this with my family. All of them agreed that looking outside myself for happiness is not the way to go. Happiness is always inside you. You can be in very happy situations and surrounded by very happy people and still not feel happy within yourself. Only you can change what you feel inside yourself.

Secondly, I spoke with my friends about this. For the past few weeks, the topic has come up in many conversations. The final conclusion does not change though. We have all come to an agreement. Happiness is something you can control. How is up to each person and situation, but it is under your own control. Where do I go from here?

I have been looking at my own thought patterns. What thoughts come to my mind and how I treat them. Upon realizing that not all my thoughts are positive in outlook, actually many are quite negative, it has become important to me and my happiness to learn to control them. It is much more difficult that I expected. I suppose the habits of 62 years of life on this earth in this lifetime has ingrained some negative ideas firmly enough to make them difficult to remove. Now comes the work.

Fortunately, I have some great friends who are helping me to learn this. I have found great resources here for learning. Check out this site! The amount of knowledge to be found there is huge!



About This Blog

I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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