I Can't Believe What I Believe

>> Saturday, December 12, 2009

All of us know that we should not believe anything that cannot be proved with sufficient evidence. But i tend to believe a lieing friend more than the honest stranger WHY? When something bad happens say for instance I have a small accident, I believe that I was lucky to have escaped with a minor injury and averted from a major mishap. WHY?

People have a strong tendency to believe what they want to believe even though the consequences of their beliefs may be quite harmful to them. George Santayana once said:
Most people would rather die than think -- in fact, they do.

I think that We usually have an emotional attachment to our beliefs. They are part of self-identification., so we try to preserve them.

There is a strong belief among many Indians that death occurs if a lizard falls on the head. To avoid the death he has two options; one is touching the idol of gold and silver
lizard in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, and another is to touch the person who has touched the
idols of lizards.

I am sure we all have some strange beliefs and practices or habits, but why are we unable to overcome them?


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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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