Are we violent by nature?

>> Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The most dangerous and lethal killer on our planet is not the lion or tiger or the great shark but a weak and tiny creature known as man. History proves this, 1,50,000 people were killed and many more perished in order to conquer kalinga. 37 million people suffered death and injury during world war I and over 60 million were killed in second world war.

These genocides were carried out by humans, people like you and me. Man involves himself in mindless violence both on his own species as well as on other species. UN study has found out that nearly 20 million tons of fish are caught every year, 25% of this never reaches the market. It’s just dumped. This killing is faster than the breeding of fish which is ecocide.

This nature of humans is not prevalent in other species as they kill on need basis only. Every now and then we read about terrorist attacks, this is again an instance of mindless violence, terrorists are dedicated people who believe they are participants in a dynamic social or political process.

In most entertainment forms and in the actions of governments, there’s a streak of violence running through. One can see this even walking around the neighborhood, watching and listening to people, Violence – gross, subtle, physical, emotional and psychological – is everywhere. Victims and aggressors abound.

Before drawing any conclusion , I request all the members and readers of this blog to express their views.


Who Is The Best ?

Sometimes I feel that why man is called the best creature of world?

what is really the criteria to be best?

what does one have to have to be best?

Well, today the human being has progressed in all fields. Every comfort which one could have just imagined is at arms length to some people in today’s era. It sounds so great, does it not? If there is so much of comfort all over then why is it concentrated to some people. Why there is no Equilibrium? ….

Doesn’t the scenario of a destitute, wandering cloth-less, shabby, and Hungry look sets one’s heart to rapid palpitation. Is it not a raw story of misery in the era of comfort and achievement? A small helpless and alone child being pressurized by the social calamity when stands demanding a piece of bread makes one feel rather to echo a question within —-why??

Synchronization is the law of nature. Perhaps the man of this era have forgotten and made the mother nature suffer even. Deforestation is the burning instance to back my logic up. When the human didn't even bother to break the synchronization within the nature to keep him alive then how can it be expected that a similar balance will prevail all around regarding poverty and monetary comfort.

To cite an example I would like to state a incident which one have might have beheld now and then—– a helpless, hungry, thirsty, half naked, itching the scars of poverty standing in front of a affluent, happy and a rich guy expecting something from him, gets a harsh and hard arrogance. Had that man offered him some help then it would have been a better and appreciable job.

But the question is that if he would have helped that destitute then would it have helped. The answer is no. But if everyone thinks so then the world will become a exhibition of arrogance towards the needies……hah!!!!! So, what one can do to eradicate this show?

Can we say that Knowledge is a two edged sword? Yes we can say it. “Less knowledge is dangerous thing”…I have something to say about it. Do more knowledge imparts a positive consequence. What is Nuclear Bomb product of, it got its existence on the ground of wisdom and knowledge. What rubbish?? What a use of wisdom?? I wonder. Is destruction an effect of knowledge….I deal it in this way, what do you think. It may be that you have a different Ideas, but I am not wrong I know it.


Imported from my blog "Musing of a Bleeding Heart"


Be happy

>> Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Once someone genuinely accepts that the fear of whatever that is on the other side of all sufferance is less intimidating than the frustration, the loneliness and anguish one is in owing to his or her current life then the door of salvation is open. Every sufferance has its boon with quiet apparent vice. Acceptance gives power to endure, fight and become resilient. Perhaps, acceptance is the medicine to cure the wound caused by "innocent" expectation....

Sadness, pathos and hatred are all state of mind that is prone to be corrected if dealt well in time and in a proper way. One may conclude that It is really hard to get healed, recovered or to move on in the prevailing coarse predicament. However, I would say that all the make up against odds are set up in one's mind and it is an easy task. Will, determination and tendency of remaining surfaced in the sea of despair depends on the mental framework.

It is well known fact that we tend to see what we want to see. So, if one says that he or she can't believe what he sees then, perhaps, he don't want to believe what he finds not comfortable. Frantic quest of comfortable situation is a human tendency but the truth is not hidden --- Harder the learning curve is more you learn. It is really a challenging task to get into a task of finding feed backs from people or source they trust or can rely upon. Generally we tend to avoid such situation. Good leaders who sought out their negative feed backs were more aware of themselves than those who sought out their positive feed backs. Yes, self awareness help us to gain a state of mind that has nomenclature as "happiness" and "satisfaction".

The happiness condition is not reserved for few whose life is devoted for spiritual deeds. A soul filled with love, self-worth, self-acceptance is always for one who has the courage to break through the shell of his or her current life. The manacle of present life is hard to break, but once broke it gives way to happiness and sometimes bliss ....


Shocking story of Half Man Half Tree

>> Thursday, March 18, 2010

This is a video which I saw when I was surfing internet. This video made me feel the sufferers agony for what he has. However, I was after a moment quiet confused about calling him a sufferer. Sufferance comes to a person if he takes it in that way. Everything is in one's way of thinking or the way of his thinking.

Have you ever felt the uneasiness when your nails grow bigger. Does it not make us fee ill at ease? Yes, it makes us go frantic and we try to discard the unwanted nails on our finger. Keeping all this in View I would like to ask the readers to see the video and write about it in a way they feel...


Perception matters

I Love photography. I just can't afford to miss any moment or object that could catch my eye ball and make my imagination toss high. Recently I uploaded a photo in Face book, and wrote something what I observed from it. The photo along with what I felt about is as under:

I don't know what fascinated me but I couldn't resist myself capturing it... If observed closely it can be noted that there is a reflection of the top fringe of a building in the water. The scene that is within the end of the narrow tunnel is nothing but the outer world but in somewhat deceptive form...

To some distance we can see green grasses signifying life, growth, renewal, health, and environment. On the flip side, green is jealousy or envy (green-eyed monster) and inexperience....

If we go bit further we see water, the essence of life... water has a natural symbolism. It can be seen as beginning and end of them too: womb and Tomb. Water can be a place of protection of life and danger too.

Well, how deceptive the things of this earth are if seen narrowly. The inverted reflection does signifies our perception that leads to situation that is beyond salvage.

I have many rattling ideas that has crept my mind after observing this photo... I have just left it expecting some more refinement of thoughts that I possess about it..

You can see this particular material in Face Book too.. Just click HERE


Be Innovative

>> Saturday, March 6, 2010

To manage your time better means to live your life in such a way that you are able to accomplish more, so that at the end of each day you can realize measurable results and enjoy a sense of fulfillment. This always involves learning to do things differently so that the results are more efficient and effective than before. Learning to manage your life and your time isn't tough job. Anyone can do it! In fact, it is often the simple things you can do that will make great differences. Sometimes you even have to go backward in order to go forward.

I want to explain a small exercise that may make my intentions clear.

First, grab a pencil and paper. Think back to the time you started school. One of the first things you learned was how to identify shapes. Next you learned to draw them. On that sheet of paper I want you to do something very simple. Draw one triangle. Isn’t it a simple job? Yes it is! Now, draw as many triangles as you can in thirty seconds. Stop!! Count how many you were able to draw. Write down that number. Do you think there might be another way to complete this activity and draw more in less time?

Start at one side of the paper and draw connected W's all the way across the page. Now put a line across the top and the bottom. See how many you can draw in twenty seconds using this method. Doesn’t that create many triangles? In only a few seconds you have learned to do this activity more effectively in a much shorter amount of time. A seemingly insignificant change can make a significant difference in what can be accomplished in a given amount of time.

What if you could get four or five times as much done each day by making a simple change?

Would that work for you?

If so, always be on the lookout for "new" ways to do "old" things, and keep your mind open to using alternative methods and plans of action. Be innovative and flexible. I believe that there is no age of learning right things. It doesn’t matter how old are you, it all means your eagerness to learn new things and implementing them. After all innovations, creativity and a directed zeal lead to great changes.

What are you waiting for? Just start innovating and discovering before your competitors. I wish you all Best of hard work !


Moral of the Story

>> Friday, March 5, 2010

A teacher instructs her fifth-grade class to ask their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end.

The next day the kids come in and share their stories. After a few students tell their stories, the rest of the class learns some of the morals you'd expect to hear, such as "don't count your chickens before they hatch" and "treat others as you'd like them to treat you."

Then it was little John's turn...

“My daddy told me about my uncle David,” says John.

“He was a pilot in War and had to bail out over enemy territory with nothing but a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a knife. He drank the whiskey during the drop, then landed in the middle of 20 Charlies. He shot 15, stabbed three, and killed the last two with his bare hands.”

“What is the moral of that horrible story?” yelps the mortified teacher.

“Stay away from Uncle David when he’s been drinking.”


Love Yourself

>> Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today while thinking a lot in the midnight I halted on a point that echoed about LOVE. I just halted at a question that probably banged my mind. Love is a form of emotion that is most stable and divine of all form of positive stream of emotions. It is a boon that is probably behind every relationships. The question that I thought to ask you all is that, who do you love most?

Whose face appears as a answer to this question? Is it your husband or wife, a girl friend or a boyfriend? Is it your daughter, mother or father, son, daughter or the beloved pet? whom do you think that you love most?

Regardless of the face that appears to you , the fact is that love is that form of emotion that engraves a sense of responsibility, duty and devotion towards your loved one. You must have heard about Yin and the Yang. To make you all understand about Yin and yang I would like to import an explanation of Yin and Yan.

Are you the Beloved or the Lover, the Yin or the Yang in your relationship? If you do not know, think about the first time you met your partner.

Who spoke or wrote to the other first? Whoever takes action first is the Lover, the Yang, the predominantly masculine energy who takes the leadership role in the relationship. Then, reflect who waited to be noticed or invited first before responding. This person is the Beloved, the Yin, the predominantly feminine energy who takes the supportive role in the relationship. However, this is only true if you have been true to yourself when you met.

Love in itself is a great responsibility. Love is a purposeful work that attracts positive actions like being patient, supportive, cooperative, understanding and reliable. If love is devoid of these qualities then it is nothing more than a liability. Predominantly, there lies a fact that to be loved, to spread love and get a proper respect you must learn to love yourself first. Can you imagine a plant growing on a infertile soil, I hope the answer that will flash in your mind is a big "NO". Same as that, how can a person be loved if he doesn't love himself? So, the slogan is that love yourself more than anyone and anything else. Believe me, it is not an act of being self-conceited, it is but making yourself capable of doing what you want to.

Well, there is a question that may remain unrequited. The question is simple that may pop up in anyone's mind. What if a person is self conceited, impatient, mean or cunning? Can't a person of this sort realize what love is? Well, the answer is no. Love doesn't allow negative emotions, however, if given time, well worked upon and having an attitude of welcoming changes may help someone to gain the unmatchable feel of being loved.

Once we have loved ourselves most, despised negative emotions like revenge, anger, lust and fear we can share the self-emitting aura of love among people who need it. When a cup is full of water up to its brim, then any further water poured to it spills out. Same as this when our heart is full of love we can share and spread the love that probably generates subsequently. Lust is a natural assassin of love. I would suggest to carefully forbid Lust from interfering with love.

The very next time when some one asks you the question: Whom do you love most?
Then you must see your own smiling face as an answer to this question



Happiness lies Within

>> Monday, March 1, 2010

Happiness needs not be brought about by any reason. It lies within us, only one is required to dig it out. Happiness once achieved does not only affects people surrounding the achiever but it also somehow subconsciously effects its bearer to great extent. Celebrations, festivals, parties and ceremonies are nothing but a pretext of having happiness for a short interval of time. Yes, I believe that a minute's mirth shades off grief of years. Happiness and grief are paradox but inductive in nature. It is a well known idea that one should pass his time with some happy people and not with the people who are swimming in the pool of despair, perhaps caused by their action or thinking. The only reason behind it is that both, happiness and grief are inductive and gets easily infused to the people in the company of their bearer. I believe it and do support it. However, if this fact is well accepted by every people then the time is not far that there will be a creation of two categories of people, sad and happy. If so happens then where this sad people will go and and whom these happy people make happy. I was just pondering over it... If all the happy people make a resolution and then make an earnest effort to make all the sad people to be like them then will not be the world marked by the idea of mutual cooperation, compassion and relationships.

I am from India as many of you all know, India is a country of diversity where different kind of people dwell having different cultures. Few countries in the world have such an ancient and diverse culture as India’s. For the majority of Indians, religion takes over every aspect of life, from commonplace daily chores to education and politics. In India there are many festivals which are celebrated. HOLI is one of the most enjoyable festivals celebrated in India. Holi is a festival of colors. It is a festival that ensures freedom to everyone who plays it. Woman especially in India enjoy a degree of freedom during the festival which is not otherwise available to them routinely.

Today I played Holi with my friends.

It was really a great fun. The importance of festivals is well understood by me now. To me it had been a greatest fun I had ever had. I am sure you can wonder why I talked about happiness above. I was just trying to exaggerate on the idea of being happy after having found a way to do so. It was really a moment when I enjoyed like anything. I ran, laughed, played pranks, titillated friends and even cracked jokes to make everything possible that may make the moment great.

So, I think is HOLI made for me to be happy, or in another way round is it necessary to fix a date when one can remain happy?.. I say, NO... can't we make every moment joyous. A great man said "you are the product of your thinking". Truly he is not wrong. There is a mental block in most of us that we can't be happy if there is no reason to be. Happiness should be incorporated in every action. If a person is not happy while donating fund to a charity then what's the use of it to him, If someone is not happy after stealing then it can never help him as this action of his was perhaps under compulsion. This was all I thought about shortly.

Before really stopping to write I would like to have the readers go through the quotes below by some great men.

  • Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be- Abraham Lincoln
  • You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life - Albert Camus
  • Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others- Buddha


About This Blog

I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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