Happiness lies Within

>> Monday, March 1, 2010

Happiness needs not be brought about by any reason. It lies within us, only one is required to dig it out. Happiness once achieved does not only affects people surrounding the achiever but it also somehow subconsciously effects its bearer to great extent. Celebrations, festivals, parties and ceremonies are nothing but a pretext of having happiness for a short interval of time. Yes, I believe that a minute's mirth shades off grief of years. Happiness and grief are paradox but inductive in nature. It is a well known idea that one should pass his time with some happy people and not with the people who are swimming in the pool of despair, perhaps caused by their action or thinking. The only reason behind it is that both, happiness and grief are inductive and gets easily infused to the people in the company of their bearer. I believe it and do support it. However, if this fact is well accepted by every people then the time is not far that there will be a creation of two categories of people, sad and happy. If so happens then where this sad people will go and and whom these happy people make happy. I was just pondering over it... If all the happy people make a resolution and then make an earnest effort to make all the sad people to be like them then will not be the world marked by the idea of mutual cooperation, compassion and relationships.

I am from India as many of you all know, India is a country of diversity where different kind of people dwell having different cultures. Few countries in the world have such an ancient and diverse culture as India’s. For the majority of Indians, religion takes over every aspect of life, from commonplace daily chores to education and politics. In India there are many festivals which are celebrated. HOLI is one of the most enjoyable festivals celebrated in India. Holi is a festival of colors. It is a festival that ensures freedom to everyone who plays it. Woman especially in India enjoy a degree of freedom during the festival which is not otherwise available to them routinely.

Today I played Holi with my friends.

It was really a great fun. The importance of festivals is well understood by me now. To me it had been a greatest fun I had ever had. I am sure you can wonder why I talked about happiness above. I was just trying to exaggerate on the idea of being happy after having found a way to do so. It was really a moment when I enjoyed like anything. I ran, laughed, played pranks, titillated friends and even cracked jokes to make everything possible that may make the moment great.

So, I think is HOLI made for me to be happy, or in another way round is it necessary to fix a date when one can remain happy?.. I say, NO... can't we make every moment joyous. A great man said "you are the product of your thinking". Truly he is not wrong. There is a mental block in most of us that we can't be happy if there is no reason to be. Happiness should be incorporated in every action. If a person is not happy while donating fund to a charity then what's the use of it to him, If someone is not happy after stealing then it can never help him as this action of his was perhaps under compulsion. This was all I thought about shortly.

Before really stopping to write I would like to have the readers go through the quotes below by some great men.

  • Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be- Abraham Lincoln
  • You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life - Albert Camus
  • Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others- Buddha

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Anonymous,  March 1, 2010 at 10:01 PM  

Categorically defining people either sad or happy may be better thought as two sides of same person getting influenced with each other...one mood surpassing other at different time and condition.... :)

Sue March 1, 2010 at 10:29 PM  

I always choose Joy. Sometimes sorrow peeks its head in and dominates but usually not for very long! Joy is a so much nicer vibration to be in.

HintsfromElouise March 1, 2010 at 10:55 PM  

I, too, choose to be happy as much as possible. I have learned that I can put the sadness away and show happiness. When I do it is quite contagious. Then people around me also become happier. It is much better to be happy than to be sad. I don't believe the two are mutually exclusive though. One can still have sadness, just choose not to show it to others. I always have the sadness, I choose not to live there.


Larissa Glueck March 8, 2010 at 1:39 AM  

To be happy is a choice. There are several things which let you smile.

Deep Happiness comes from within. It is there without any reason. You can experience wherever you are and whatever is around you. It only happens, whenever you force yourself to be happy you will make it hard to experience the deep happiness from within.

By practising whatever you can to feel happy you create an energy and vibration which gets you closer to experience the deep happiness that resides within you.


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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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