Who Is The Best ?

>> Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sometimes I feel that why man is called the best creature of world?

what is really the criteria to be best?

what does one have to have to be best?

Well, today the human being has progressed in all fields. Every comfort which one could have just imagined is at arms length to some people in today’s era. It sounds so great, does it not? If there is so much of comfort all over then why is it concentrated to some people. Why there is no Equilibrium? ….

Doesn’t the scenario of a destitute, wandering cloth-less, shabby, and Hungry look sets one’s heart to rapid palpitation. Is it not a raw story of misery in the era of comfort and achievement? A small helpless and alone child being pressurized by the social calamity when stands demanding a piece of bread makes one feel rather to echo a question within —-why??

Synchronization is the law of nature. Perhaps the man of this era have forgotten and made the mother nature suffer even. Deforestation is the burning instance to back my logic up. When the human didn't even bother to break the synchronization within the nature to keep him alive then how can it be expected that a similar balance will prevail all around regarding poverty and monetary comfort.

To cite an example I would like to state a incident which one have might have beheld now and then—– a helpless, hungry, thirsty, half naked, itching the scars of poverty standing in front of a affluent, happy and a rich guy expecting something from him, gets a harsh and hard arrogance. Had that man offered him some help then it would have been a better and appreciable job.

But the question is that if he would have helped that destitute then would it have helped. The answer is no. But if everyone thinks so then the world will become a exhibition of arrogance towards the needies……hah!!!!! So, what one can do to eradicate this show?

Can we say that Knowledge is a two edged sword? Yes we can say it. “Less knowledge is dangerous thing”…I have something to say about it. Do more knowledge imparts a positive consequence. What is Nuclear Bomb product of, it got its existence on the ground of wisdom and knowledge. What rubbish?? What a use of wisdom?? I wonder. Is destruction an effect of knowledge….I deal it in this way, what do you think. It may be that you have a different Ideas, but I am not wrong I know it.


Imported from my blog "Musing of a Bleeding Heart"

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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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