Reply to Entertainment.

>> Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I agree with the premise that entertainment can be used as a tool to impart knowledge, or propaganda. I wonder sometimes though if we humans have a tendency to read far too much into the twists and plots of a movie.

We watch a movie and then stop to think about the scenes and what they might mean. Like Anand did in his blog post. The post is a good one and makes the movie seem much more important than it was set up to be. While I mostly agree with the points brought up, I have some difficulty with a couple of them.

Never try to be successful is one I have difficulty with. You failed to define success. I am sure we could come up with several definitions of success. For example, would you classify success as having the largest house in town?, Or could it be the bank account with the most money?, Or, could it be as simple as having helped the most people in some way?. Or is it just having enough to live the kind of life you want? For me, success can be defined as accomplishing something that is important to me. Like the book I am writing detailing my family tree. When that project is complete, then I will be successful. It won't make me famous, it won't make me rich, it won't even affect more than a few hundred people, but it will be the largest project that I have completed.

Anand, you say strive for excellence and success will follow. I am striving for a very excellent book. My concern is that if I keep trying for perfection, the book may never be completed! In that case, I would not consider myself successful at all.

I like to live life to the fullest. Although I am fearful of new experiences and new things, I do not avoid them, but carry on searching for more knowledge. I love to learn. I consider myself to be a life long learner. That will only change when I leave this life. This week I am learning about enlightenment. I am adding exercise to my daily routine to improve my health. I am seeking new ideas all the time for improving my health. Some work, some don't. It is part of your life experience to learn what you can and apply the knowledge in a way that helps not only you, but others around you too. Selfishness is not an option.

I have limited faith in the leadership of industry. Money is what makes industry work. I prefer to barter when I can and share. I send my homemade jams out and receive a lot of love and advice back. I love to make the jams and jellies. I make way more than my family can eat, but I don't sell them. I trade them. I get vegetables, meals, other fruits to make more with, companionship, treats, rides to places I need to go, advice, love and appreciation.

I love life. I live to love. I live to be happy by doing what I love to do. Life is really wonderful.

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anand January 27, 2010 at 10:47 AM  

Elouise, you have nicely analyzed the act of being happy, striving for excellence and success thereafter. Yes, you are right that success may come after long time or in some case cannot if we keep a wild quest for "excellence". However, what I think is that gaining excellence in the the field that you pursue is what makes it's accomplishment profound. I say "Excellence" gives meaning to Success whereas the "Success" that makes you happy is something which is made for you. Success preceded by excellence can benefit other people too.

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