Love, Repository of Thoughts

>> Saturday, October 9, 2010

I have beheld an example of love that shackles freedom of being in present. Does love really constrains freedom of being in the moment you, possibly, may be part of? In one of my previous articles I mentioned sharply about the necessities being something that imprisons its bearer.. Yes, necessities never let one be person who may call himself a free person; in fact no one can dare to be a complete free person. Oh! I had never an idea that Love can serve as good as manacle can, yes it binds one and centralizes his attention and concern to a very tight boundary.

Well, what I believe is that Love is one of the most vital among the seven cardinal emotion we have. It attracts all sorts positive thoughts, and encourages sacrifice, valor and fraternity. I wonder, how come it can make people feel an environment uncongenial, or how can it really attract fury and jealousy?

When someone interacts with any other person it is the aura that plays its role and generates an interest or disinterest among them.

I am well convergent with a couple who love each other as Lovers do. They share all sorts of happenings, be bind, laugh together and even breathe together with a well synchronized pulse.... yeah its true.. :) But, I argue that should love get directed on a path of it being biased. Biased love is nothing but, I think, the negative form of glaring LOVE.. as biased compassion is that is exhibited my a MOTHER. If love is important then why one loses patience to wait for a moment when it is well entertained. Sometimes, I feel, to wait for something what you desire for is better than to have the object of your desire.

Love when adapts the path of fatality it becomes blind in the same way when it encourages the positive things-- support, reliability, faith and sense of compromise.

If Love binds one to a hook and let you be hanging till you are asked to then, perhaps, nothing is better silent-torture than this. People groan but with their mouths shut, they bleed but blood evaporates.... Love, that attracts insecurity and doubt is what we call negativity in disguise.

You may be wondering about the chirping couples I mentioned in the aforesaid paragraphs. You may be thinking that whether I have ever interacted with them, been with them or whatsoever.... They are my COLLEAGUES...

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Unknown October 19, 2010 at 5:24 PM  

Love is boundless, most simple and overpowering emotion that can make or mar a person. It has two faces just like a coin. One is +ve and the other -ve. The best part is you cannot choose, you are given either a +ve side or a -ve side.

Freedom is the most misunderstood word. Freedom to do anything is not only dangerous but also makes you inconsequential if it is not given with some responsibilities.Freedom must be utilized with utmost care as it is like a slippery Glass filled with promises, if you are not careful you stand to lose everything.

Love is an emotion which binds and makes you do things against your wishes in the hope of reaching some stage that you desire but it is in most if not all cases a MIRAGE. The wait, anticipation, struggle or the journey has all the sweet bitterness and it is an anti climax when you actually reach the point.

But without desire and aspirations whether reasonable or not, our life loses it's charm.

I think i will stop for now and let others dissect me.

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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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