What is Love?

>> Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So. The questions we all ask ourselves. What is Love? How do we know it is Love? will Love live forever? ...

No one person can answer all of those. But if we look within, we find what Love is for us. I have been thinking on this topic for a while now. How can one come to grips with it all? There are so many facets; it is like a very large diamond. Or maybe a million smaller ones. Where do I start?

I start with the love I married over 40 years ago. That was special at the start. It has changed over the years, but not by becoming bad, just by becoming different. I would not trade those 40 years for anything else. I have 3 beautiful children because of that love. I have 2 grandchildren (so far) because of that precious love. I am settled in that love. I am in love with love.

Soulmates. Recently I met a soulmate. That Love is different. It has a passion unlike any other I have ever felt. It has intertwinings of thoughts that do not exist anywhere else. I don't know how many soulmates we can find in this vast world of ours, but, for me, one great soul mate is all I need. We fulfil each other in ways no one else can. We understand each others feelings with a depth no one else has. We understand our moods, our thoughts in harmony. We can feel what each other is feeling without even being in the same country. There are no bounds. Everyone needs a soulmate. I am extremely happy that I found mine.

Then there is Love we, as parents, have for our children. We find we want to protect them, help them to avoid the same pitfalls of life that we have ourselves fallen into. We want them to be happier than we were through all the different stages of our lives. We want only the best for them. We want to protect them. We want to stop anyone else from hurting them. We want to fight all their battles to save them from harm. We know, deep down, that we cannot do it all for them. We have to allow them to try, to get hurt, to laugh, to meet people, to attempt their own lives. They have to learn to live, to love and to be happy on their own. We can always be there when they need us. But above all else, Love can not be used to smother! That is the most important lesson that parents can learn. And the hardest too.

Then we have special friends. Yes, I love many people, in many different ways. My special friends are the ones that I can lean on. They are the ones I can say anything to without fear of being ridiculed. They are not afraid to hurt my feelings by telling me the truth. But they know how to cushion it so I can learn from what they say. They will not order me to do things I feel are not right. They will offer great suggestions when I reach a crossroads and don't know where to turn. They are the ones I can laugh with and cry with. They hold me up when I can't, but they let me down gently when it is time to go on my own. They are my greatest support.

So. Are there any more kinds of Love? Yes. Each friend we meet, each person we wrong, everyone who touches our lives we love in some way. It does not always feel like love, but if we are taking the time to interact with them, then there is a type of love there. We all have within ourselves the ability to love. It is ours to use and to spread. We have a need to use this love. The more we do so, the better our lives get. I am not saying bad things don't happen. What I am saying is when bad things happen the Love of our families, our special friends, even our acquaintances helps us to overcome.

To me, Love is a many faceted jewel. One that will shine on forever, no matter what happens. Full of different colours! Lights up our lives and makes it more lovable. Where would we be without love? I don't know. And I don't want to find out.

Let the rainbows shine on forever!

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Anand Chauhan February 9, 2010 at 8:06 PM  

Love, as you have explained is exactly so. It has different form which when misunderstood can bring about great perplexity in relationships. I would say, LUST is the assassin of LOVE. One should have at least minimum sense to differentiate LOVE from LUST. LOVE between friends is completely different from the same between a Couple and love between the Couple in turn has no similarity with LOVE that is between parents and their children.

Elouise, you mentioned about a soul mate whom you found recently. May I know who is that person?

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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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