Life Is About Creating Yourself

>> Monday, August 8, 2011

I am probably not what I seem to be; I know not what I should be, I am definitely not what I want to be, but I am not what I used to be.

Changes are bound to take place, situation change too, but sometimes we fail to identify the moments that are possibly not the way we want them to be. we keep on hankering for the wishes that we might have made few years ago and in pursuit of the wishes that are old we fail to notice the glory, beauty and vibes of the present. Past is but a chunk of memory that engages our mind to a time that would never come. We linger in the moments that seem beautiful and enticing only because we could never gain over it. A question bangs my mind that why people really go after wishes and make them lust that make a firm residence in our heart and in turn toe the mind.

For someone you have lost you must spend the precious time in getting, exploring or in making a earnest effort in looking for other who is even more beautiful, pure and captivating. Life, sometimes, I wonder, earn the tapered off edge in quest of someone or something, ironically not in discovering which is yet unexplored. We generally tend to 'look for' not to discover. Discovery is essence of life, yes, life is the greates discovery that renders its bearer enlightened. Life is 'not suffering', however, what is enlightenment varies person to person. Lord buddha who quoated the above statement wanted somehow to make us wonder the sap of enlightenment not by gaining it but by discovering it. He wanted each individual to discover the element of bliss. To me gaining bliss is impossible, but to make a pursuit of it is even more enlightening.

We involve in the heinous act of abusing, scolding and sometimes quarreling over the issues that eat away our time which if was used would have gifted the happiness of gaining something positive. People get frustrated, irritated when they get trapped in traffic jam, when train arrives late or our beloved refuses for a date, but have we ever tried to gain the positivity of such moments. We hardly do it as we don't want to. Well, it is perhaps rightly said that we do what we want to do, our mind is nothing but instrument and sometimes the spinning cog of the mechanical mind needs lubricant of motivation, preaching or experience. We can think, judge and implement, but the sequence gets shuffled up in many mind and most of us land up for implementation without having thought or judged. Shear picture of immaturity...

Hold you emotions, direct them so that it gets channelized to a big and bright world. Lead your mind by the power of your 'being'... BEING a big word- Contemplate over it.

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Elouise August 9, 2011 at 11:49 PM  

Wow! you have made a lot of growth and matured a lot in this past year! What a wonderful comment on life! You have hit it very closely. We prefer to do what is easy because it is always what we have done. We do need to look beyond the moment sometimes or we will never grow onward. Very well said!

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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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