Fear of Death

>> Saturday, May 1, 2010

Among all of the basic fears that a human being possess the fear of DEATH is cruelest. It is quite obvious to have this fear as we can't expect anything after death. We don't know where or what we will be after death. However, DEATH is inevitable. I was enlightened on this agenda of late that I would like to share with you all and expect my effort to be proved fruitful.

The fear of DEATH in today's world is not as common as it was in the ages when there were no colleges and universities. Through the aid of biology, astronomy and other branch of science the fear of unknown that gripped the mind of mass capable of destroying their reason has been dispelled. Many beliefs that constrained human thoughts from getting wings are perished through the enlightenment of education.

So far as death is concerned, it is inevitable. It is a acceptable fact that death will come, and it's better not to be afraid of it.

According to Elementary Physics the whole Universe is made up of Energy and Matter, and they can't either be created or destroyed but can be transformed.
If Life is anything, then it's energy. When we are alive we undergo many processes that explains the transformation of life-energy from one form to another. Life can only be made to undergo various transitions, can't be put to an end. Death is mere Transition.

If Death was not mere a Transition, then what comes after death? After death comes a long undisturbed sleep having a eternal value. So, why should we be afraid of peace. Rather, a man spends his whole life in the quest of PEACE.

Well, I think you must have, a bit, overcome the fear of being 'perished' after going through the aforesaid article. I hope a open discussion on it for further enlightenment.

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Savira Gupta May 1, 2010 at 3:35 AM  

Death comes in a variety of emotions be it the unknown,fear,frightening,anger, giving up, accepting. It is hard to see and to be in it. In the end for both the journey can be beautiful and peaceful

jedicool May 1, 2010 at 5:15 PM  

There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer.

Make death a part of life by understanding that life without death is incomplete. As soon as we are born, we begin to die.

I think this extract from chandogya Upanishad shall explain death and life better, it goes like this:

There is some law which works in some peculiar manner on account of which we are compelled to follow this course known as transmigration. Is anyone prepared to die? But we have no say in the matter. We will die one day or the other. But why should we die? Who tells you that you must die? No one knows this. And if somebody is born, well, it is doubtful if anyone is born due to the personal wish of anyone. There is some force working behind. So is the case with every kind of experience through which we pass. We do not know what will happen to us tomorrow. So much is our ignorance, so that it appears that we are utterly humiliated beings, shamefaced in every way, ignorant to the core and completely subject to the law of forces of which we have absolutely no knowledge. People are born; you know people die. This much of knowledge we do have. And, perhaps, we have also a knowledge that certain actions that we perform are responsible for our births and deaths and our experiences in life. The good that we do brings good experiences, the pleasant ones; and the bad ones produce contrary results. This much of information we have gathered by study, hearing etc. But this is not the knowledge that will liberate us.

anand May 2, 2010 at 12:12 PM  

Shiv, you have laid emphasis on some reasons behind death and life. This makes me feel that death and life are outcome of some specific reasons. You have talked about a FORCE responsible for death or LIFE.

Whereas, I have felt, after reading somewhere, that DEATH is but a transition ....

jedicool May 2, 2010 at 11:32 PM  

Death is a transition to where and what form and purpose?

anand May 3, 2010 at 10:43 PM  
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anand May 3, 2010 at 10:44 PM  

Well, if that's known then perhaps the biggest and most found about fact would be revealed. Do you know it's answer SHIV?

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