
>> Friday, November 27, 2009


What are they?
Who are they?
How do you know you have a friend?

Everyone needs friends whether you realize it or not. One reason for this is that no one was meant to stand alone against the entire world. We are people who get further faster when we work together.

How can you tell if someone is a friend? First of all it is a comfort thing. If you have a friend, you feel comfortable with him or her. You can discuss any topic without embarrassment. You can tell him anything. He can tell you anything. Any criticism is delivered without judgement. Any advice is given without prejudice, without expectations and out of the goodness you feel towards that friend.

When something really terrible happens in your life, your true friends are there to support you. With their support, you gain strength you need to overcome obstacles. You can lean on them and they can lean on you when strength is needed.

I have a circle of such friends. Right now I am going through a difficult change in my life and really need them to lean on. Three, in particular, are very good for me now. My Swedish friend helps keep me grounded and cheers me up. My American friend is giving me a lot of things to think about, taking my mind off things I cannot change. My British friend is offering prayer and support in a large way. I know prayer works. I have an Indian friend who, although much younger than I, can offer great wisdom when we speak about the terrible things in our lives.

All of these friends are very special to me and I am so very fortunate to have met them. I would not change any one of them.

Coach Elouise
skype coach_elouise

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anand November 30, 2009 at 2:24 AM  

You have very efficiently stated the importance of friends in life..

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I am a B-tech student who is a passionate blogger and Web Addict. Like to read books and spill my thoughts on white paper. I love analyzing intricate behavioral gestures.....


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